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So Picturesque! Tour of Balochistan Vlog

In the winter of 2022-23, we were able to guide more people on tours to Balochistan, than ever before! Since 2018, the region has been facing many challenges while developing its tourism areas. The places where foreigners can enter are limited, but the moment you turn off of the main road, you will see an amazingly spectacular view.

This Vlog tour summarizes the drone footage from Kamitani Teppei, the tour leader of a tour in Jan 2023. It truly captures the amazing scenery of Pakistan.


Videography by Teppei Kamitani

Visit :Jan 2023, Makran Coast, Balochistan

*Contact us, Indus Caravan for more information or to make arrangements for visiting Balochistan.

*Please follow us on YoutubeInstagram & Facebook

Category : = Video clip Balochistan > ◆ Video Breathtaking Views of Pakistan > - Mud Volcano > - Hingol National Park > - Kund Malir > ◆ Balochistan > - Makran Coast
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(Video) The Picturesque Mud Volcanoes of Balochistan

This is an aerial video of our tour members on the Mud Volcanoes while visiting Balochistan. Mud volcanoes are ever-changing in their appearance, sometimes being active and other times being inactive. I wonder, what side they will show us next season? Looking forward to finding out!




Videography: Mariko SAWADA
Visit : Feb 2020, Kund Malir, Balochistan, Pakistan

Category : = Video clip Balochistan > - Mud Volcano > ◆ Video Breathtaking Views of Pakistan > - Hingol National Park > ◆ Balochistan
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(video) Soaring Over the Magnificent Mud Volcanoes

In late February 2020, Balochistan coastal tour series ended in this season. The temperature during the day has also become much higher.

“Makran Coast and Mud Volcano” drone footage taken in this season.


Video & Text : Maiko SAWADA

Visit : Nov2019 -Feb2020, Makran Coast, Balochistan



Category : = Video clip Balochistan > - Mud Volcano > ◆ Video Breathtaking Views of Pakistan > - Hingol National Park > ◆ Balochistan > - Makran Coast
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(video) Hidden Jewels on the Makran Coast – Captivating Mud Volcano

We could travel to more remote areas of the breathtaking shoreline along the Makran Coast. In the winter of 2019, the active Mud Volcanoes were unforgettable. It was amazing to see the mud bubbling up at your feet! I have seen Mud Volcanoes before, but this was a new experience all together!

Video & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Visit :Nov 2019, Makran Coast, Balochistan

Category : = Video clip Balochistan > - Mud Volcano > ◆ Video Breathtaking Views of Pakistan > - Hingol National Park > ◆ Balochistan > - Makran Coast
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(video) Bird’s Eye View of Princess of Hope & Buzi Pass

Traveling from Kund Malir to Ormara, just off of the Makran Coastal Highway you will find the Buzi Pass.
Just near the Kund Malir Beach, the famous “Princess of Hope” will greet you. Even though I cannot see the princess in the shape, if you happen to be there on a weekend in the afternoon, you will see many local tourists surrounding the Princess.
Enjoy the magnificent view of Buzi Pass and nature’s art landscaping using erosion.

Video & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Visit :Nov 2019, Makran Coastal Highway, Balochistan

Category : = Video clip Balochistan > - Mud Volcano > ◆ Video Breathtaking Views of Pakistan > - Hingol National Park > ◆ Balochistan > - Makran Coast
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(video) Deep Inside Hingol Narional Park – Hidden Landscapes of Balochistan 

Deep Inside Hingol Narional Park – Hidden Landscapes of Balochistan

Hingol National Park’s remote offroad backcountry exploration reveals the world of Mud Volcanoes.

Starting in the winter of 2018, after my third visit, I could finally make it to “Mars Point” which is named unofficially by our staff. Even though of course, none of us have ever been to Mars, but standing here in this landscape makes you feel like “This is not Earth!”

Thank you for the came in our video, Mr. Toshiki Nakanishi (professional photographer).


Video (Drone footage) & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Visit :Nov 2019, Hingol National Park, Balochistan

Category : = Video clip Balochistan > - Mud Volcano > ◆ Video Breathtaking Views of Pakistan > - Hingol National Park > ◆ Balochistan > - Makran Coast
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Hingol National Park – Mud Volcano World-5

Chandragup mud volcano in Hingol National Park, Balochistan.

A mud volcano is a landform shaped by the outburst of mud, water, and gases. It’s called “volcano” but it is not inevitably related to the distinctive volcanic activity. It only erupts out mud along with methane gas. The Arabian Plate subducts into the Eurasian Plate in the coastal area of Balochistan. In many cases, volcanic activity is active in such places but in the case of Balochistan, huge “mud volcano area” has emerged.

There are three mud volcanoes at Chandragup and there are distinct descriptions of “Chandragup 1”, “Chandragup 2”and “Chandragup 3”, depending on the documents. It seems to be sure, the highest one which is for the sacred Hindu pilgrimage is “Chandragup 1”. However, I don’t know which is 2 or 3 for the other two volcanoes. I comprehend it in the order of height.


The crater of second highest mud volcano in Chandragup – “Chandragup 2” . The previous season was dry with no activity, but this year mud erupted from within and began to accumulate in the crater. What an entrancing view of the crater reflecting light of golden hour.


“Chandragup 2” is a mud volcano with a gentle steady slope, and has a gorgeous landscape created by the mud flow.


“Chandragup mud volcano 2” seen from directly above. The beauty created by mud; truly a remarkable sight.


Sunset from “Chandragup mud volcano 2” . Fortunately, it was a blessed day with a beautiful sunset.


Photo & Text : Mariko SAWADA * Some photos are drone shots.

Special Thanks: Yoko Kadonaga for photograph from Crater edge

Visit: Nov 2019, Chandragup Mud Volcano, Hingol National Park, Makran Coast, Balochistan

Category : - Mud Volcano > - Hingol National Park > ◆ Balochistan > - Makran Coast
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Hingol National Park – Mud Volcano World-4

While driving along the Makran Coastal Highway towards Kund Malir, you can see several mud volcanoes in the rugged mountains of Hingol National Park visible from the road. This mud volcano is one of them.

A mud volcano is a landform created by the eruption of mud, water, and gases. It’s called “volcano” but it is not necessarily related to the typical volcanic activity with lava. It only erupts out mud along with methane gas. The Arabian Plate subducts into the Eurasian Plate in the coastal area of Balochistan. In many cases, volcanic activity is active in such places, but in the case of Balochistan, huge “mud volcanic area” has emerged.

>> Other article about Mud Volcanoes in Hingol National Park :   2   3


Moreover, there is a large mud volcano next to it. Although it is the same mud volcano, its appearance is quite different.


Walk to the base of this mud volcano.

In early November, I walked on the mud volcanic area with the first Balochistan tour of this season. It takes time here because there are soft spots and you have to walk carefully. Nevertheless, the landscape created by the mud is stunning and beguiling.

The temperature was high on this day and it was really difficult to walk after 10 o’clock. However, in November, Balochistan is also the turning point of the season, and morning and evening time is pleasant to spend.


Photo & Text  : Mariko SAWADA * Some photos are drone shots.

Visit: Nov 2019, Hingol National Park, Makran Coast, Balochistan

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Nani Mandir, Hindu Temple in Pakistan –Hingol National Park

Pakistan, a country created for Muslims in the name of Islam.

However, there are Hindus and other religious minorities living in Pakistan and undoubtedly there are Hindu temples for Hindus to worship.

From the outset, I was confounded when a typical looking Pakistani man wearing shalwar kameez came to me and said, “Yes, I’m Hindu”.


Nani Mandir – also known as Hinglaj Mata – a Hindu Temple in Hingol National Park, Balochistan. It is a popular and sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus living in Pakistan.

Moreover, it is said that about 40,000 pilgrims come every year during the April pilgrimage season. A stunning number which can ideally increment if Pakistan India relations show signs of improvement.


It was said that 14% of the Pakistani population were Hindus and Sikhs before the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.

Numerous Hindus relocated to India during this period and the Hindu populace tumbled to 1.6%.

According to Pakistan-Hindu Council currently, 8 million Hindus live in Pakistan. It is the second-largest religious group in Pakistan, accounting for 4% of Pakistan’s total population of 200 million. Notably, 94% of them live in Sindh.


When we visited the hallowed Nani Mandir, the priest briefed us about the Hindu faith, the temple’s history and the great pilgrimage of spring.

Hinduism in Muslim dominating Pakistan … It was a new discovery.


Photo & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Visit: Nov 2018, Nani Mandir / Hinglaj Mata – Hingol National Park, Balochistan



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Sindh Ibex – Hingol National Park

Sindh Ibex is a mountain goat family that lives in the rugged dry mountainous areas of southern Pakistan. As the name suggests, Kirthar National Park in Sindh is famous for its natural habitat. However, Sindh Ibex also lives in Hingol National Park, Balochistan.

Surprisingly it was easy to meet Sindh Ibex coming to the water in the dry Hingol National Park. It was at the sacred Hinglaj Mata Hindu Temple (also called Nani Mandir) inside the national park. When I approached the shrine, Sindh Ibex was eating grass in quite a close distance.


A male Sindh Ibex. There are two types of Ibex in Pakistan. Himalayan Ibex in the Northern Mountains and Sindh Ibex in the mountains of Sindh and Balochistan. The male horn of Sindh Ibex astoundingly grows 1m long.


Gorgeous female Sindh Ibex and its baby.


Going forward, suddenly I saw a group of Ibex emerging from just above the cliff. Generally, Sindh Ibex seems to move in relatively large groups.

There were a lot of trophy-sized males (ones with large horns permitted to trophy hunting). In Pakistan, Ibex trophy hunting is taking place. However, it is only prohibited inside the national parks and hunting is operated under the rules and regulations by the community forest. For 2019, 50 Himalayan Ibex and 24 Sindh Ibex in Pakistan are allocated for trophy hunting slots.

Hunting?? In this era?? No doubt, I am against hunting, but Pakistan’s hunting situation is likewise identified with conservation and the endurance of the local villagers. Trophy hunting targets only large horned individuals who have no more ability to reproduce. Subsequently, these profits are given to villagers, so villagers crackdown on illegal hunting. Therefore, it is said that the Ibex population has increased in both the northern and southern regions since this system was established.


Energetic young males began battling with their horns.


It’s like a fighting practice. A male Ibex show dominance by fighting with a horn over females when they reach maturity.


Photo & Text  : Mariko SAWADA
Visit : Feb 2019, Hinglaj Mata/Nani Mandir, Hingol National Park,  Balochistan

Category : - Hingol National Park > - Wildlife of Balochistan > - Ibex > ◆ Balochistan
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