In late December, when whole of the northern region of Pakistan was enveloped with snow, we went to Khunjerab National Park – located in the border between Pakistan and China.
Khunjerab National Park is home to many unique species of wildlife including the snow leopard, blue sheep, Himalayan Ibex and many more. Himalayan Ibex lives in the Khunjerab National Park throughout the year. However, winter is the perfect time to witness them when they solely descend for the purposes of mating and grazing.
Ibex in northern Pakistan is a subspecies called Himalayan Ibex or Siberian Ibex, <Capra sibirica>. It seems that they are further classified by the habitat among them.
According to the National Park staff, Ibex in this area is said to gather in low places from mid-December to late January. The male was deliberately chasing the female!
Cute, young Ibex at an altitude of 4,500m, close to Khunjerab Top.
Photo & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Observation : end of Dec 2018, Khunjerab National Park
Special Thanks : Mr. Sultan Gohar – Khunjerab National Park
Category : ◆ Gilgit-Baltistan > - Ibex > ◇ Wildlife of Pakistan > - Khunjerab National ParkTag : Pakistan tour operator , Pakistan Travel Blog , Pakistan Photography Tour , Travel Pakistan Blog , Wildlife tour in Pakistan , Wildlife of Pakistan , Pakistan Wildlife Tour , Ibex , Indus Caravan , Capra sibirica , Himalayan Ibex , Saiyu Travel Pakistan , Ibex of Pakistan , Khunjerab National Park , Khunjerab National Park in winter , Pakistan Travel company , Pakistan Blog