It was early January and everything was covered white with a blanket of snow. Suddenly, I was told by the Khunjerab National Park staff that there is a gathering of Himalayan Ibex in the Khyber village.
Anxiously, I went to Khyber village immediately and luckily discovered them on the contrary bank of the Khunjerab river, where local people perform farming and cultivation. There, I could see them much closer distance than Khunjerab National Park.
The Ibex in northern Pakistan is a subspecies called Himalayan Ibex or Siberian Ibex in English (Capra sibirica).
In this area, December-January is the breeding period of Ibex. A male Ibex after a female.
Ibex will have a baby, likely in the month of June.
Beautiful winter juniper valley view.
A White-winged redstart pair. In the upper Hunza, I often observe them in winter season.
Photo & Text : Mariko SAWADA
Observation: January 2019, Khyber Village – Gilgit-Baltistan
Thanks to Mr. Irfan – Khyber village & Mr. Sultan Gohar – Khunjerab National Park
Tag : Travel Pakistan Blog , Wildlife tour in Pakistan , Wildlife of Pakistan , Pakistan Wildlife Tour , Ibex , Indus Caravan , Capra sibirica , Saiyu Travel Pakistan , Himalayan Ibex , Ibex of Pakistan , Khyber village , Pakistan Travel company , Pakistan Blog , Pakistan tour operator , Pakistan Travel Blog , Pakistan Photography Tour