This is a long legged buzzard that was seen on the coast of Kund Malir, in Balochistan. These birds are found throughout the African and Eurasian continents. They breed in Central Asia and then travel to the open areas in southern Pakistan during the winter months.
And there certainly are plenty of ‘open areas’ all over Balochistan. The buzzards often prey on rodents, lizards, small birds etc.
Balochistan is famous as a place where Arab millionaires go to illegally hunt wildlife. These rare birds are unfortunately being targeted for the sake of Eagle Hunting hobbyists. Recently, thankfully, these kinds of threats to the birds are being spotlighted on social media and other media outlets, so now people have more awareness about the problem.
Photo & text: Mariko SAWADA
Observation: Nov 2019, Kund Malir, Balochistan
Category : ◆ Balochistan > ◇ Birds of Pakistan
Tag : Birds of Pakistan , Balochistan Tour , Hingol National Park , Pakistan Travel company , Kund Malir , Pakistan tour operator , Pakistan Blog , Pakistan Photography Tour , Pakistan Travel Blog , long legged buzzard , Travel to Balochistan , Wildlife of Pakisan , Indus Caravan , Saiyu Travel Pakistan , Balochistan