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Deep Into the Kalash Valley
Meet the Kalash people, whose unique beliefs and culture live on.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


Apr - Dec

Please contact us
Pakistan is a diverse country which is home to many different ethnic groups. Among them are the Kalash — a non - Muslim people who, despite living in the primarily Muslim Islamic Republic of Pakistan, strongly maintain their own beliefs and culture.
The Kalash people live in a small valley in the northwest of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, near the Afghan border. In the past, the road leading into the valley was closed in winter due to snow, limiting the time one could visit, but with the opening of the Lowari Tunnel, it is now possible to visit all year round. The landscape and the lives of the people change with the seasons. Visiting this valley and seeing its beautiful people is sure to offer you an unforgettable experience!

>> Report of Kalash Valley


Transfer from Islamabad to Ayun.
From Ayun, drive to Bumburet Valley by 4WD. After visiting Kalash village in Bumburet Valley, drive to Rumbur Valley.
Spend the whole day in Rumbur Valley. You can also visit the village's agricultural land—where the Kalash people work—as well as a village where people from Nuristan reside.
From Rumbur, drive to Chitral. In the afternoon, visit Chitral and the surrounding area.
From Chitral, drive to Islamabad.


Best time to visit
April - December

We can extend your stay in the Kalash Valley, provide photography-related arrangements, and create itineraries that combine both Swat and Peshawar. Please contact us for more information.

Tour Price
Please contact us. We will provide you with a quote based on your requirements, such as number of days, itinerary, number of people, accommodation(s), etc.

*The Joshi Festival is very busy. If you are considering traveling during this time, please contact us well in advance.
*Accommodation in Kalash valley is a simple guesthouse.
*Please consult with us if you are planning to do some serious photography or covering.